Reinforced Concrete Design of A 2D Frame. So, first of all let’s make this one here. I have already opened the program. Now we had to select the projects. I am going to pick this one frame 2D design. Going to close the tips and close this. Now let’s start by the axis definition. Next step, positions is 0, number of repetitions is 4, distance is 6 and this is the numbering. Z: 3 – 3 – ABC. 3, 3ABC. Add. Apply. There we go, there we have our structural axis. Now it’s time to, has you may see in this picture, now it’s time to define the beams and and the columns. Let’s go here. We have already the column defined.

Reinforced Concrete Design of A 2D Frame

The beam you can also define the section here. I don’t have the section that I want available because this is the cross-sectional area and I don’t have it available so I am going to make it. Press this button now 45 – 60. The section type is reinforced concrete beam. Now let’s first of all, let’s define the columns.

It should be a reinforced concrete column that goes from here to here and goes from hereto here. Let’s close this. Now we can copy has this step here suggests. CTRL (+) A to select all. Edit – Move/COPY number of copies 4. Let’s go back here and define the translation vector has from this point, to this point. There we have all of our columns. already defined. Now let’s define the beans or at least a reinforced concrete beam.

Reinforced Concrete Design of A 2D Frame

Like this, reinforced concrete beam I have to tell the program which is the bar type because later I will want to design this elements and the program needs to know which is the bar type to pick the right choices for the design. Normally, a reinforced concrete beam has a scheme of reinforcement different from a column. Let’s pick this point and this point I can press drag, so I can click it once. Here and here and finally here. Close this, also close this, I am sorry. We already have the reinforced concrete elements defined as it shows here in this picture. Now we will insert the truss from the library. Select the library icon.

Select here. Double click here and first of all the length of the truss will be 24 metre struss length to height will be 3 metre struss height and the number of fields will be 12. “Defines the number of fields into which the truss will be divided. “Let’s do it. 24, 312. Next step I had to click on the insert more, sections. Now we need to define the sections. To all truss chords, upper and lower, we have to assign this on here. 90×10.

Ok. Let’s go upper chord. This is the database, the database is correct. Click here. 90 x 10. Now I can copy this and past it here. Upper and lower chord. And for the the diagonals I have to assign this section over here. Ok. Let’s go then. Pick this here. 70 x 7. Ok. Now I have to insert my triangular truss type 1. It’s how it is how the library is identifying this. Let’s go back to the steps. LMC on the insertion point field, select the node number 3. No. Not available.

The insertion point will have the following coordinates : (0;0;6). This defines the truss beginning node. 6Now I’ll have to press apply. I can see down here that it went well. Press ok. Now we have our structure. I can see the numbering. It’s perfectly well. Now we will have to define a release as you may see here. Let me zoom this just a bit. (. . . ) “Selects the truss bar; ATTENTION: take note of the arrows that appear on the highlighted truss bar – while indicating the bar the arrows should be pointed up (the direction of the release is significant: at the first node the pinned connection remains,whereas at the second one – the fixed connection is defined). I am going to explain this. We have to make a release on this bar, over here.

Let’s turn off the section shape. Geometry – Releases. Pick apinned – fixed release, as you may see here. Pinned – fixed release. The arrow should be pointed up. What this means is just this I have picked a Pinned – Fixed release, which means the first node will be pinned the second node will be fixed. If the arrows are pointing up like they do right now, as we may see here the one which will be pinned it will be this one, and the one which will be fixed it will be this one. If the arrows were down, downwards direction, the one which will be pinned it is this this node here, and the one fixed it will be this one here. That’s what they are trying to explain here. So, pinned – fixed. Up I have got this one pinned and this one fixed. Down, I have got this one pinned and this one fixed. I want thisits work OK now working close atZoom on the structure. Now we have to define fixed supports. Pick the supports. Fixed. Current selection are all of this nodes. Apply. We made it. We have “mounted” the geometry.

This is planar geometry but you may see the structure that we have defined here in a perspective. Click this little funny house over here. You can also turn down the representation of the structural grid. Just go to display structural, structural axes turn them off. Apply. Turn of the numbering of the nodes, and you may ask the program to make a to mark with colours the sections. The legend will be by colours. Let me see here this green will be this section, over here, as you may see. This blue will be the concrete column and this will be the concrete beam. I’m running out of time.

This is the part one of the movie. We’ll have to do much more to end. Thank you for watching and please subscribe! Reinforced Concrete Design.

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